NorthStar 1 Reading and Writing

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Urdu and Punjabi Slang

Slang / Jargon / Linguistics / Dialect / Social Group

House Layout and Design

Sustainable Design / Landscape / Sustainability / Suburb / Street

Law and Morality

Morality / Conscience / Value (Ethics) / Crime & Justice / Crimes

ABAP Proxy and PI

Proxy Server / Port (Computer Networking) / Hypertext Transfer Protocol / Transmission Control Protocol / Information Technology

UXPin - Testing and Redesigning

Usability / Yelp / Qualitative Research / User Experience / Design

Casing Running and Drilling

Drilling Rig / Mechanical Engineering / Manufactured Goods / Technology / Nature

Mean Reversion and Turnarounds

Investing / Securities (Finance) / Investor / Yield (Finance) / Risk

And 933939 Track-type

Valve / Elevator / Pump / Tractor / Loader (Equipment)

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